Here is a snapshot of my work. If you’d like to see more samples, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at dan AT
Articles for EU Business School
How to Think Clearly: 7 Tips for Success
- Ranks 1st (featured snippet) for “how to think clearly” (1070 searches/month)
- Ranks 2nd for “clear thinking” and close variations (1850 searches/month)
5 Unusual Business Ideas That Made Their Creators Millions
- Ranks 2nd for “weird business ideas that made millions” (260 searches/month)
How to Become an Executive: 4 Steps
- Ranks 4th for “how to become an executive” and close variations (920 searches/month)
Branding Strategy: 5 Reasons It’s Important for Any Business
- Ranks 1st for “importance of brand strategy” and close variations (90 searches/month).
(Source: Ubersuggest, August 2023. Searches/month include close variations for which the article also ranks.)
Review: Aakruti Israni, Content Manager for EU Business School
Daniel is a phenomenal writer, a real professional all around. I worked with him for two years and it was an absolute pleasure! He’s very efficient and he makes sure he delivers all his projects on time.
He understood everything very quickly and took the initiative to learn every subject matter and it definitely showed in his writing.
Basically, he did everything right and left no stones unturned. He didn’t only provide high-quality content but also made sure it was optimized so I wouldn’t have to spend additional time doing that.
A true rockstar! Thanks a million for your hard work and I can’t wait to work with you again!
Articles for Growcode
(Thought-leadership pieces ghostwritten for Pawel Ognowski)
14 Bullet-Proof Techniques to Create Urgency on Ecommerce Product Pages
11 Best Tools to Boost Your PPC Conversion Rate and Click-Through Rate and Reduce Ad Spend
Ecommerce Optimization Checklist of a 7+ Figure Online Store (White Paper)
Review from Pawel Ognowski, CEO of Growcode
I highly recommend working with Dan. Texts are always followed by comprehensive research about the topic, including a lot of data and insights.
Always on time, great communication.
A Selection of Other Articles
Cryptocurrency Dictionary for Scalac
How to Find High Paying Clients for Hello Bonsai
6 Transformative Tech Trends for Small Business in 2018 for Website Builder Expert
Should You Join the Coming Digital Nomad Boom? for The Startup
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